In just 11 days and less than 15 minutes a day, you can incorporate the holistic benefits of yoga and meditation into your busy life and establish a sustainable at-home practice!
Step 1: Kickstart your practice! When you sign up, you immediately receive "The 15-minute Body / Mind Reset":
- Simple yoga sequences to gently build strength and flexibility and release tension in the Lower Back, Hips and Legs, and Neck and Shoulders.
- You get 3 printable PDFs of yoga poses for easy reference and 6 Yoga Videos to follow at your own pace.
- You also get 2 Guided Meditations: A 5-minute Mid-Day Meditation for when you're feeling overwhelmed, and a relaxing nighttime Sleep Meditation.
Step 2: Follow ”The 10-Day Yoga and Meditation Challenge". This video series supports you as you establish a sustainable routine that feels great and fits easily into your busy schedule:
- Every day, for ten days, you receive a short video in your inbox, alternating Gentle Yoga and Guided Meditation.
- Enjoy expert detailed instructions of simple yoga stretches to relieve aches and pains: when you feel great, you get more done every day in ease and comfort.
- Listen to calming guided meditations so you can let go of swirling thoughts, anxiety and overwhelm. With a peaceful focused mind, you're happier and more patient, you enjoy your days and sleep better at night.
And: you retain lifetime access to all videos so you can repeat them as often as you like!